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Learn How To Care About HOPE for YOUR LIFE

Now You Can Follow A Step By Step Process And Build Your Own Socio-Economic Life in Your Community

  • Get the formula for Natural Laws for Success

  • Learn how to bridge the gap between business and Community

  • Build a Custom Strategy for your Life, Career and Business

Build Your Life Today
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Understand The Power You Are

  • "Inside of our DNA is the signature of what I believe is our Creator."

    Gregg Braden

    Why Choose Our Courses

    Anyone Can Learn

    The courses here works for all skill levels. Whether you are totally new or an expert, these courses will teach you steps that are easy to consume and apply.

    Result Oriented

    The courses are designed to get you results if you follow them to the core and take action. Unlike other courses that just feeds you information without a strategy.

    Risk Free

    We give you a 30 Days Money Back guarantee on our packages. If you don't benefit from the courses we will refund you, no questions asked.

     Our Featured Courses

    Checkout our most popular courses. These are recently updated with all new content.

    Build Your Strategy

    Pulling all you discover and all you learn into a vision and a mosaic of puzzle pieces snapping into place to create your wonderful new life is the climax of these courses.  You will come away with a fresh new vision of you and your life.

    Courses Are of Value No Matter Your Socio-Economic Status

    We have structured our programs in such a way that it helps people with different levels of expertise on the subject of self-discovery, self-leadership and self-reliance, right from a beginner to an expert. We cover it all.


      If you are just beginning to grasp the idea that maybe there is more about you than what you have been told, then these courses will lead you toward those answers.


      For those who have an understanding of who you are but need some tools and resources to get the ball rolling toward unleashing that power, you will be thrilled with what we offer here.


      And if you already are absolutely certain about what your life purpose, your essence is, then get into these courses and launch your power upon the world and join our movement to be change makers. become a lifetime member of WeCare as well! 

    Get Unlimited Access To Our Tutorials

    Here are the topics we cover in our courses how you benefit from taking action today to get started


    Conduct several assessment of your current life and document.

    Design Affrimations

    Craft the new vision for the future and begin building the beliefs around that vision

    Connect the Dots

    Learn how to snap the pieces of your puzzle into a real world workable plan

    Your Outcomes

    You will become the Action needed to bridge the gaps between Honesty and Openness, Between Openness and Pure Love, Between Pure love and Essence

    Take Action

    About Sheyenne

    Sheyenne's focus is on helping people at all levels of society “Live Their Song”. Sheyenne uses the phrase “Community & Economic Development Corporation” to describe the integrated system. She believes that we are all “born with a song in our heart” for creating a unique gift to the world. The key to creating peace & prosperity in the world we live in requires each of us to find that unique passion, purpose & gift, learn how to package it as a product or service, and then find others with a similar passion & purpose for group collaboration and implementation. This is the basis for what she calls “social entrepreneurship”.

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    About Rick

    Richard Mabe is a coach and writer who stakes no claim to a particular religion or political party. He loves people and his essence is coaching so he likes to be called Coach Rick. He loves to sit one on one with a person and help them to answer questions they have. He also loves facilitating gatherings of people for sharing challenges and developing solutions. He gets a real sense of value when he is speaking to a crowd of people who feel his love and get his message. he is a Navy Veteran and His work experience includes nuclear energy, construction, real estate title, organization development, Department of Defense, Job Corps Career Transition Manager and of course, coach and writer.

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